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Sunday, September 05, 2004

I am back!Yeah lah,I noe it has been a long time.hey , not my fault ok? U want 2 noe y , I have been very busy doing school stuff.My mum only lets me use the coomputer during the holidays.
I have good news and bad news.Good news : Exams r over.
Bad news : sa2 starts next Monday.(oral)

YUCK!!!!!Boring!Now is the holidays and I have nothing to do. At least I m going to Claudia"s house 4 a sleepover 2day.That is NOT boring.I went 2 Tiffy's party on saturday.Tammy and I only.Duh , we r the 3ts.(Thats our group name)We kicked out 2 of them afew weeks ago.Ha Ha.Wonder wad my friends r doing,better call them later. Guess what my exan results r - English 92.5
chinese 89.5
maths 96
Scince 86 - that came wif a bit of luck.teacher marked wrongly.

if u think these results r good , u r probably crazy.
dad is getting me a new phone!!A nokia7610.Wif a camera and video!!Hooray!!

by the way, have u watshed "a cinderella story" ? It is so cool! Some people r so unfair,giving this movie 2 stars only.HELLO? hillary duff is starring in it.For goodness sake.people r so unaware these days.

Better go now.having piano lesson soon.Bye!

7:19 PM