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Sunday, May 22, 2005

hello frenz! this pic shows dancers from??? . i totally have no idea. My sister's friend just came over. They were making such a racket! luckily 4 me,i could wach tv in the master bedroom. agent cody banks, to be exact. the CD has a problem, it has so many muddled up scenes... ... should't have tosed it up and down like a frisbee!!! i am so bored, nothing to do but go online. at least the hols are coming. i am going to China from the 3 to the 10 of june, with the school.i am so excited!!! the hotel is so cool. the beds look so bouncy and soft! letdown is, the toilet has no windows. what if there is a sudden blackout?? it will be so dark! uh oh, better go now, mum just came home i am not allowed to be online!!!!! Posted by Hello

2:01 AM

Friday, May 20, 2005

will not tell u ppl where i got these pics!! guess,and write your answers on the tgaboard! Posted by Hello

10:58 PM

try to find me!  Posted by Hello

10:39 PM

rememeber to add to my tag-board!!! at the bottem of the page Posted by Hello

10:37 PM

hope u like it! Posted by Hello

7:19 AM

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Exam is over! its time to play!!!! hey! that rhymes.......
i am so happy. yesterday,i went on a videogame marathon.
2.30: start playing xbox
5.00:stop xbox and start playing gameboy
7.00:stop gameboy and watch indiana jones on HBO.
10.00: stop wtching. eyes hurt, go to sleep.
shit... .... just realised, i have so much tuition homewk to do. but whateva, am not gonna care.
has been so long since i last blogged. have you noticed the recent thing abt this guy who was fined just because of his blog? i mean, come on, a blog is for you to tell the world your feelings. but, none of my business, what was i saying?!
oh yeah, today, my eyes really hurt. i was so tired! so sad, my folks still made me go to school.NVM. i am ok now.
i am going to swim now. goodbye people!

1:12 AM