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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

i am totally stressed out! I mean, school is pressuring us though it is the school hols!!!!!!! I feel like i shouldn't have even gone to the school china trip! It was fun, but we have been given homework assignments... ... tsk tsk, HELLO!!! this is the hols, not the exam period or something.

Not only that, i still have that dumb IPW project to do. Whoever reads this, please give me some info on malay stuff okay? :)  THanks! I wish that i could be a member of parliament or something. Why do all this stuff only happen in fiction movies or books? I know why. I am born lucky but unlucky at the same time. sigh...still, i wish i was more on the luckier side.

But, whateva. I know what everyone will say, "study and you will get it. " i hate that phrase. I just wish that the MOE would have more school holidays like the other countries in the world. OUCH! my tummy hurts... ... since yesterday.

So sad, the holidays are ending, boo hoo.:'-(  Sigh, time sure flies!I am so sad. I bet most of my friends are too..... Oh yeah, school... why could'nt i be born so smart that do not even need to attend a day of school. School is like a bore to almost all people. exams... too depressed to write anymore. . . . . .

6:01 PM

Monday, June 20, 2005

i just cannot stand it when my sisters just bash into my room screaming their heads off. usually, it is something so lame like they have a big dumb camera like this morning. the camera is big and fat and is sooooooooooooo old-fashioned!!!!!\-O  worse still, it weighs abt a thousand pounds! ok,exaggerating.a kilo.

great, i have to go. have tuition, bb!

4:52 PM