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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

do i have the power to rule my life? WHY?ok ok. i have a big problem...my life rox and all, but i have no right to rule my life. is it right to rule my whole life at my ripe old age? HEE HEE! human rights!

3:51 AM

Friday, October 21, 2005

hey people! long time no see..
just one question, "do you keep friends who are too truthful 2wards you or more like, your secrets?'
one example: classmate
you thot u trusted her, i mean, according to her , you should. So you tell her everything, from little tiny secrets to deep dark secrets. Then one day, under extreme peer pressure, you dump her from the group. Yes, sh ekeeps your secrets, so you let her in again. one day, during recess, she purposely blurts out:" SHOULD I TELL?" you throw her a dirty look and ignore her. she continues, and soon the subject of the secret is asking about the secret. You try to stop her from finding out but it only gets worse. u stomp aaway in a huff. during lesson break, u spot the 2 traitors going to the toilet together. Of course you follow them! well, u got there just in time to hear a bogus story from the person that you trusted. AS IF U WOULD BELIEVE!

k. you heard my story.
if any1 reading this has any advice, tell me

3:41 AM