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Thursday, December 08, 2005

HOORAAAAAYYY! i got a new laptop, horayyy!! it is so damn nice lor. the dell company sure knows how to make beautiful laptops! i m so damn happy!
oh yeah, i am going on a holiday to vancouver on the 12 of december! i am so excited that i cannot even sit properly! in 3 more days, this is kind of turning out to be a great holiday, even though i broke my collarbone. tee hee hee.
my sister is now shouting, "i dun want to go to vancouver, i wanna go to japan!" she loves japan, but that is only because her favourite stuffed toy originated from there. wierdo she is. well, too bad rachel, all the flights are full. haha,
i just realised one very important thing. i threw away my english activity book!! there was homework to be done. uh oh, i am really in deep shit. die,die,die! hmmm, any one able to spare me extra worksheets?
sigh... got to go,

3:27 PM