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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

now i am lying an my bed and my sisters are playing potato counter on neopets. i am so damn bored and i have nothing to do except study like a robot for CA1. this is depressing. and you know something, i feel sick! i have had a stuffy nose since 2 days ago and i feel like puking. but whateva. sick=no school!
buh bye...

5:34 AM

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i cant stan the fact that my life usucks. today, my laptop letter D dropped off so it is like so damn hard to type D. secondly, the stupid internet connection was down and i spent a whole hour fixing the bloody thing! then i got so angry that i "bashed" my radio and laptop up. call me violent, but seriously, someone ought to tell them that their internet is SLOW.
ugh. i am so angry.

3:26 AM

Monday, February 20, 2006

damn PLSE. seriously, its like you actually wanna do well but just cant! this is a piece of crap. i mean, stressing out 12 yeared olds will give early wrinkles! SOMEONE CALL EXPRESSIONS!!LOL.
people are getting so annoying these days. i went to the club on sunday and after swimming, i asked for a towel from the ladies toilet. the shitty person towel at the towel place was like"oi!you have to go to the other toilet to get a towel! " and i was like"bloody shit!" then i launched into a full speed lecture about how we pay for membership for lousy service. seriously, the OTHER toilet is the men's towel. it is VERY VERY disgusting. so after that, i just took a yellow towel from the shelf next to her and went to bathe. after bathing, i gave her a stare and threw the towel in her face. hahahaha. then i went to the management counter with my father and he filed a complaint. mwa hahahaha. i hope she gets sacked.
u still have not gotten very used to in the new class. like yesterday, i wrote 6 faith on my worksheet instead of 6 justice. i cant stand my damn head. there is th edumb investiture thingy tommorow. and to make us suffer, the school has decided to make us stand for like 1 hour! ok, it may not be as bad as army camp, but hello???
o well, so tired.

11:36 AM