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Friday, March 24, 2006

i cant believe that i am actually watching cinderella and you know what, it is actually quite nice lehh!! the advisor person thingy should get a life! what is her damn problem, bossing the queen around! that is like so yuck. if ANYONE is like that in real life, i can guarantee that he or she will get a good punishment. MUA HAHAHAHAHA!!! the mice are so cute! especially the round one! whopeee! zipedi doo dahhh. i am so happy! my cousin just dropped by the give me my very belated birthday pressie! i think it is a pair of shoes from diesel. i thinkkk....
lolx. got my normal chinese marks already! 81 and a half, accoring to hannah.... i wasn't even around i dun think it is good, since qian yu can get 88. she is LAME! she keeps copying my emoticons. and she keeps saying that she cannot be bothered to study but like she always critisise people who do better than her. humph
you know what, i should go blog on me and hannah bloggie now
buh bye

6:30 AM

Thursday, March 16, 2006

ok. i admit it. fiesta was actually FUN! the haunted house rawkked! i really dun understand y so many ppl cried! tab, erica, marie tan, shan wen and hui min queued 4 1hour! ugh. so when we went in, the tour giude was like "boo"! WE JUST CRACKED UP AND SAID"thats lame";) and there was the front part where there was this person with long messy hair and we told her to go buy a comb. unless she is really poor or something. and at the part where there was the ghost in the japanese bedroom, she were like, your make up sucks and you should go sleep!
uh oh
will come back later

10:03 PM

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

i am like so glad that i am not in 6c! they are like suposed to have a brilliant air-con but know all they have are fans like the rest of us:) i walked past the classroom today and was it hot! is seemed so stuffy and you can practically feel the heat just by walking past!
yipeeee! he lao shi treated our whole class to ice cream today! then after that she got a little miffed bcos of someone> i am not sure what happened!!!!!!! hehe. so mayb i know but i am not saying]]
i finally found my charger!!!! i was like in btween some books at the back of the cupboard! so hapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! i am hapeeee! chantel better come to school tomoro or i will personally slaughter her! she still has my bookie!!!!!!
this has been the NICE AND GREAT tessa ;)

1:17 AM

Saturday, March 04, 2006

i am so going to bring a pillow to lie on drina's desk tomoro! hehe. yesterday at cat. class, some ppl sat at our usual table to we were exiled to the table at the other side! and i had to look at genevieve with her smirk the whole lesson! ugh ugh ugh. then [haha], *some1 sent some1 agross note and every1 just cracked up. the teacher seems to hate us. she like keeps babbling at us. so irritating.......
i lost my mp3 charger! stupid me. i think i left it at the chalet in the resort in canada last december! i just realised it was missing bcos i lost my player 4 a while until i found it stuffed in my cupboard. so now i have to listen to my radio with the damn muffled sound:[ i also lost my fave pen! there is a thief on the loose!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay! i am going to redesign my house! cant wait to change my disgusting old room! yayayayayay! hee hee. i want a totally wooden and white room! so neat and nice! my dad complained abt the cost but i was like, "what is the use of money if you dun spend it?????"
i am going to wear braces after the CA1. should i be worried or wad? i dun really care... sighz. i reaaally hope the fiesta wont be a total waste of time like last time one! wad if the ride thingy collaspes? seriously, if you really want to go on the ride, get a ticket to dreamworld in gold coast and buy me a ticket too. "want life or want ride????!!!!"
i cant wait 4 the end of the year! stupid bird flu. soon we will all be stuck at home and the only way to communicate is through the webcam or something like that. sigh.... bye!

* identity protected!!!!!!!

10:42 PM

hannah helped me change my template! yay. its so nice... thanks:) mdm toh is like so mean to change our seats. at the beginning i thot i was seating next to melissa low! i was like totally freaked out and screamin! then i saw that melissa CHUA's wasnt on the list! so now i am seating next to melissa chua and u know wad, it isnt that bad! though i really miss seating next to hannah and the rest of ighost!
o well, bye......

2:20 AM