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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

one day, a b**** called mrs tian was chosen to be the teacher in charge for dance. unfortunately, she was such an idiot that she blew a part of a brain off. that part was actually the part that controls her fat mouth and emotions. so, she went to the dance cca thinking that she could dance like a pro ballerina. when everyone saw her, she became a ****** and seperated all the sec 1s cos she said that they would do rubbish. then, after warm ups, she decided to get angry and scold ppl randomly. she thought that she could dance so damn frikin nicely. seriously. if she could dance, we would all be famous pros. then, she asked everyone to do some dumb props for the syf ppl and scolded some ppl and called them silly cos they had a flu. after that, she suddenly became nice and asked us to introduce ourselves. then she dismissed everyone. then, she became bad again. CONCLUSION: she is a retarded freak.
everyone who wants to rid the earth of ppl like her, say NO TO MRS TIAN!!!!

3:13 AM